SDBA Medicals Ltd
40 Royal Avenue
Worcester Park


telephone: +44 (0) 7802 895853

Medicals Available

Current medicals available

HSE Diving Medicals

HSE Diving Medical

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Medical Description: The HSE diving medical is for all commercial divers working in UK inland & offshore waters. Recreational diving instructors and rescue / support divers working for commercial training agencies will also require this medical. There may be further costs if additional investigations or referral to a specialist are required. This medical can only be performed by HSE approved doctors working in the UK and lasts for 1 year.

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OGUK Medical

OEUK Medical

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Medical Description: The OEUK medical is a requirement for all offshore workers in UK waters. This medical can only be performed by OEUK approved doctors and lasts for a maximum of 2 years. Offshore Fire Team members need a supplementary certificate of fitness for fire team duties. Offshore survival courses now require a 'Fitness to train with breathing apparatus' certificate. From 1st May 2024 this is now incorporated into the offshore medical certificate.

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Renewable UK Medical

Renewable UK Medical


Medical Description: The RenewableUK medical is a requirement for those working in the wind farm industry. It can be done by OEUK approved doctors. It is similar to the OEUK medical but requires a Chester Step Test assessment of physical fitness. It is valid for 2 years.

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Diving with asthma

Fit to Dive with Asthma Medical

Medical Description: Those currently or previously diagnosed with asthma have additional risks when participating in diving. It is important that the asthma is well controlled and that there is a low risk of suffering an asthma attack underwater.
The diver must have normal spirometry (lung function testing) both before and after an exercise test.
This medical is normally valid for one year.

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Diving with diabetes

Fit to Dive with Diabetes Medical

Medical Description: Those diagnosed with diabetes have additional risks when participating in diving. There may be increased risks of problems from both the diabetes and its treatment.
The diver must have well controlled diabetes without complications e.g. heart, kidney, eye or nerve damage. There must be a low risk of suffering with hypoglycaemia whilst underwater. The diver will need to monitor their glucose levels both before and after the dive, be able to self treat low glucose levels underwater and dive with a buddy aware of their problems and be able to treat any hypoglycaemia.
The diver will need to complete a questionnaire about their diabetes which will require information from their treating doctor.
This medical is normally valid for a maximum of one year.

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Diving in Australia

Fit to Dive in Australia Medical

Medical Description: Those wishing to learn to dive in Australia may be asked for a medical certificate done to the AS4005.1 standard. This requires an audiological (hearing ) test.
It is recommended that this is performed by any doctor with diving medical experience and can be performed by doctors outside of  Australia.

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Fit to dive

Fit to Dive (Basic) Medical

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Medical Description: Those wishing to dive or continue their diving are likely to be asked to complete the WRSTC medical self-declaration form (updated July 2020.) Anyone answering any of the questions positively will require a certificate from a doctor before they will be able to participate in any in-water activities.
A positive answer may not necessarily be a bar to diving but requires assessment and perhaps adjustment to the type of diving.
Common problems such as high blood pressure, thyroid problems, raised cholesterol require the 'Basic' medical. More complex medical problems e.g. heart disease, cancer need to be assessed firstly by correspondence and may need to bring full details including hospital letters to the appointment. The fee for these medicals will be based on the time taken to assess these issues and any examination needed. Further investigations may be required and will need to be funded by the applicant.
France currently requires all divers to have an annual doctor's certificate of fitness to dive. Spain previously had similar requirements but since July 2020 now follows almost all other countries by using the WRSTC screening medical statement.
Those divers wishing to progress their diving to technical levels are also required to have a fitness to dive certificate when enrolling on the technical diving course.
BSAC members may require a medical and should book the appropriate medical depending on their medical issues. No certificate can be issued without a formal examination. The duration of validly may vary depending on the medical issue.
Divers wishing to train for divemaster or instructor abroad also require a doctor's certificate within 1 year. NB those wishing to work as divemasters or instructors in the UK will probably require the HSE diving medical.
Those with asthma, diabetes or requiring the Australian standard medical should book the relevant medical.

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Freediving medical

Fit to Freedive


Medical Description: Those wishing to learn to Freedive are likely to be asked to complete a medical self-declaration form. Anyone with medical issues will need a doctor's certificate. This is often the RSTC diving medical form used for scuba diving.
This medical is normally valid for one year.

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Telephone or email advice

Telephone or Email advice

Advice but no certificate issued

Description: Those wishing to learn to scuba dive may have medical issues that may increase the risks. Sometimes these issues significantly increase the risk and diving is not advised. It is understandable that taking time to attend for a medical assessment when there is little chance of being cleared for diving is not desirable.
Advice about the relevant issues can be obtained by telephone or email, allowing the applicant to decide for themselves if they wish to seek formal assessment.
Fit to dive certificates cannot be issued without this formal assessment.

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